
Accredia accreditation
Accredited ACCREDIA (National Laboratory Accreditation System), in compliance with UNI CEI EN ISO IEC 17025 and ACCREDIA requirements, from 1997 to number 0157 with hundreds of tests in the environmental, agri-food, microbiological, residual, contact materials sectors with food, etc.
ISO 9001 certification
Certificates in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard by SGS Italia with the subject "Design and provision of sampling services with execution of chemical, physical and microbiological laboratory tests"
Authorization to perform official analyzes in the wine sector + authorization to perform official analyzes in the oleic sector
Authorized by the Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Policies (Decree of 9/11/18) to carry out, with reference to the authorized tests, official analyzes in the wine / olive oil sector and in accordance with the relevant national and Community regulations.
Insertion in the list of laboratories authorized to analyze fertilizers
Inserted in the national list of competent laboratories to verify the compliance of fertilizers held by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry according to D.Lgs.n75 of 04/29/2010.
Registration in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region register of laboratories that carry out analyzes for self-control of foods
Registered in the register of the FVG Region (valid on the Italian territory) of the laboratories that carry out analyzes in the context of the self-control procedures of the food industries with the number 06/03 with Decree 1543 / SPS of 10.23.2018
Registration in the list of laboratories recommended by AIC - Italian Celiac Association
Registered in the list of laboratories recommended by the Italian Celiac Association - for the determination of gluten content in foods.
Authorized to perform analyzes on food products intended for a particular diet
Authorized by the Ministry of Health for performing qualitative and quantitative analyzes on particular products according to Presidential Decree 131/98 (protocol n.600.5 / 59.96 / 1543 dated 16/07/1998).
Registration on the list of the Japanese Ministry of Health for the analysis of food exported to Japan
Register with the Japanese Ministry of Health (through the Italian Ministry of Health) for the qualification to carry out food analysis for export to Japan. IT10068 registration number.
Insertion in the list of private laboratories that carry out the analysis of the samples taken by the OSA in the PNCS area
Listed in the list of private laboratories that carry out national salmonellosis control plans
  • we are authorized to carry out research on fipronil and amitraz in eggs
  • we are authorized to perform photosanitary analyzes on mushrooms and related propagation materials (Legislative Decree 217 of 04/29/06)